The following is a list of the Technical Officials that keep our swimming competitions running.     Our competitions cannot be sanctioned if enough officials are present to run an event!     We would encourage more members to participate with the running of our competitions.   Please email MST if you would be interested in training as a Technical Official.

The following list is current at July 2021
RR  means   re-accreditation required
UT  means   Under Training/Supervision


Tech ID No Club Qualification      & valid to
Alex Branch 1649 TAC Referee                   2025
Ray Brien 1634 TLC Referee                   2023
Pauline Samson 0099 TTL Referee                   2023
Don Reynolds 1339 TDP Referee                     RR
Chief Timekeeper    RR


Deck Officials

Tech ID No Club Qualification      & valid to
Kristine Apps 1659 TTL Timekeeper
Chief Timekeeper        RR
Check Starter                RR
Jodie Branch 1648 TAC Timekeeper
Chief Timekeeper         2021
Check Starter                2022
Marshall                         RR
Perri Brereton 1637 TTL Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns         2021
Judge of Stroke              2021
Chief Timekeeper          RR
Donna French 1883 Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns         2022
Judge of Stroke               2022
Judy Hyndes 1635 TTL Timekeeper
Chief Timekeeper            RR
Diana Mchenry 1882 TLC Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns         2022
Judge of Stroke               2022
Jennifer Napier 1647 TLC Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns         2022
Judge of Stroke               2022
Anita Nothrop 1884 TLC Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns           2022
Judge of Stroke                 2022
Loriee Snook TLC Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns            UT
Judge of Stroke                 UT
Chief Timekeeper             UT
Neville Snook 1744 TTL Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns          2022
Judge of Stroke               2022
Starter                              2021
Jose Tillema 1644 TTL Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns           2023
Judge of Stroke                2023
Mendelt Tillema 1643 TTL Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns          2023
Judge of Stroke                2023
Tony Foreman TTL Timekeeper
Inspector of Turns          2022
Judge of Stroke                2022



Tech ID No Club Qualification
Marilyn Brack 1849 TDP Timekeeper
Amanda Duggan 1739 THB Timekeeper
Janet French 1636 TTL Timekeeper
Katrina Henry 0433 TTL Timekeeper
Ruth Langman 1742 TTL Timekeeper
Richard Langman 1743 TTL Timekeeper
Sue Mayne 1658 TTL Timekeeper
Graham Philip 1848 TDP Timekeeper
Marcia Watkinson 1847 TDP Timekeeper