Posted on Monday 26th February, 2024

New Branch Coach Educator

Masters Swimming Australia (MSA) has recently appointed Tasmanian Branch President Megan Stronach to the position of Tasmanian Branch Coach Educator. MSA maintains a register of MSA Coach Educators who have been deemed competent to assess and mentor candidates in the online MSA Club Coach Course (CC) and the online Professional Development (PD) Workshop.

Megan has had many years of coaching and swim teaching experience both with junior as well as masters swimmers, having coached masters swimmers at the former New Norfolk Whales club, Talays Masters, and most recently the Hobart Dolphins. She has completed both Level 1 (Club Coach) and Level 2M (Advanced Coach) training. Megan was Tasmanian Branch Coaching Director from 1994 – 1999, a role which included conducting Masters coach training and professional development activities in the state. At that time, she was also involved in developing national masters coach training modules.

The Branch Coach Educator role requires conducting the online assessments and mentoring of Club Coach candidates, that is, coaches completing PD, and re-accrediting coaches for the Branch. This role has been vacant in recent years with the assessment of Tasmanian coach candidates being carried out by NSW assessors.